What is more important than the way you feel? Take charge of your life right now by taking back controle of your body! Realize that your body is your ultimate vehicle and everything in your life is experienced through your body. Make it fun, make it happen and know that you are in absolute controle of Your Self. Now take action: Life is for living...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Universe Rewards Action

Knowing what to do is rarely the reason why people don’t take the necessary action to produce the results they desire.  Most people know what to do, or at least how to find out what to do in order to make their lives work and have the success they desire. It is not knowing what to do but doing what you know that will most often make the real difference.

There are two very effective ideas that you can adopt and apply in your life right now to help you take action and produce real and measurable results. Firstly, realize that there are no failures, only outcomes. Action, and only action will produce results. Your fears are all made up and often based on other people’s perception of success and failure. Don’t try and fight against your fears, but use it and embrace it as a map or a guide for personal growth. Everything you want is on the other side of fear. When your fear is keeping you from taking action on some idea you should know that the rewards will come from using the fear as a call to take action, despite not feeling “comfortable” doing it. When you take action despite your fears you have to stretch yourself to do something that you previously could not do. Now you’ve grown in your capability to comfortably deal with it. Most of what we fear is based on not knowing the outcome; of feeling uncertain.

When you use fear to grow as a person you use fear like dumbbells to build your emotional muscle. So many books and teachers these days try and tell you how to overcome fear. Why? Fear is your friend and like any friend it only serves you if you treat it well. Trying to overcome it will leave you trying and not getting anywhere. Fear is a normal part of life and like all your emotions it serves a very important purpose in guiding your actions. When you use it you are guided in all your ways. If you ignore it you will be misguided and if you fight it you will always loose.

Don’t try and get everything right.  Just get it started. So often we try to have everything perfect before we even attempt it and all too often we end up never even doing it. Getting it started is far more important as it builds momentum. Action breeds more action. Success is not a single cataclysmic event but rather a series of small successes each leading to and building on each other. Every action you take will produce a result and if you use that result as guidance for taking the next step you will eventually reach your destination.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."  MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

More self improvement articles >> Learn How to Overcome Procrastination


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