What is more important than the way you feel? Take charge of your life right now by taking back controle of your body! Realize that your body is your ultimate vehicle and everything in your life is experienced through your body. Make it fun, make it happen and know that you are in absolute controle of Your Self. Now take action: Life is for living...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Approaches for Bulimia Treatment

Bulimia is a devastating and often threatening eating disorder that develops about 90% of the time in women. People with this disorder will consume abnormal amounts, and then they will deliberately force themselves to get rid of it in any way possible. Some bulimics will get rid of what they have eaten by consuming laxatives. Many bulimics have generally normal weight profiles at the start, yet they still think of themselves as obese. Several aspects about the beliefs include highly negative feelings regarding fat and food. What is normally seen is around two years after puberty develops, then bulimia can appear. There are other issues associated and possibly contributing to this condition such as pressures, depression, low self esteem as well as others.

The untreated bulimic can suffer from life threatening lack of sufficient nutrition and too much loss of fluids. Through the years, there have been well known bulimics in the news who have passed away from this problem. For example, the highly successful singer from the 70s, Karen Carpenter, fought bulimia for years. Her problem affected her heart a great deal and it simply killed her. What's of primary concern is for you to do something about this straightaway because it is possible to successfully treat it and get over it.

But if treatment does not take place, then a long term situation can cause dangerously low amounts of nutrients. In cases where heavy use of laxatives is associated, then that can certainly make the person seriously constipated. Other linked side effects are injury to throat and mouth cells from the stomach acid. In addition, that acid will cause rapid tooth decay and even serious difficulties involving the gums. Subsequently, there are possibly fatal injury to the kidneys and heart capabilities. The problems connected with chronic and severe dehydration are a dangerous decrease in healthy levels of electrolytes. When that happens, then that is the time when the heart can fail and also lead to fatality. The rough fatality rate due to bulimia is normally ten percent.

Effective therapy of this disorder consists of the patient and relatives, family physicians, and professional psychiatric or psychological guidance and treatment. Medical doctors may even enlist the help of a professional dietician to design a specific diet to correct critical loss of nutrients. The patient will indulge the services of professional treatments to correct the harmful behaviors involving eating too much and elimination. Added efforts will concentrate on education and understanding of the damaging nature of bulimia. Very often there are distinct issues in the patient's life, and they are going to be dealt with, also. A large percentage of bulimics will have to learn ways to express themselves and what is on their minds with others, and that will help in the recovery procedure.

Bulimia can be dealt with, but there must be urgent intervention. One more critical area is obtaining strong support from the immediate family group. It could possibly be helpful to engage in group therapy as a different form of social as well as personal support. However the most important factor that must come about is the bulimic has to honestly realize and accept there is a serious problem. It is also imperative for this person to realize that a very dangerous belief toward food and eating exists.
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